Saturday, March 21, 2015

What is a CSA? Community Supported Agriculture

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture

A CSA allows you to have a share in a community farm's harvest.  All you need to do is find a CSA farm and determine how many shares you want and determine the pick up or drop off location.

For those of you who are local there are two great CSA opportunities with drop off locations at the International City Farmers' Market located at the corner of Watson and Davis, open on Thursdays from approximately 1 pm until dusk, year round.

CSA 1.  Local Lands (Organic Non-GMO) Farm!
(400 Mack Paul Rd, Wrightsville, GA 31096)
Email: or
Phone:  478-227-3237

Their current CSA program for Spring-Summer runs from March 29th-July 30, 2015 (17 weeks)

Step 1:  Select the share you want
Step 2:  Shop for products via their newsletter or web-store
Step 3:  Determine your pick up location.

  • Atlanta:  Marietta Square Market & Avondale Estates Market on Sunday
  • Macon:  Mulberry Street Market on Wednesday
  • Warner Robins:  International City Farmers' Market on Thursday (see above)

You can pay in full or pay monthly with a deposit.  The deposit will be equal to your last month of membership ($65 for half shares, $120 for full shares) and will be applied at the end of the season.  The deposit is non-refundable. (refund exemption for residence relocation i.e. military)

A half share will consist of 8 biweekly deliveries for $260
A full share will consist of 17 weekly deliveries for $510

CSA 2.  Evergreen East Farm
20044 U.S. 80 Danville, GA 31017


Contact:  David Green: 478-972-1198 or Karla:  478-972-4466

About Them:  A small family owned and operated farm located in Twiggs County between Jeffersonville and Danville.  They raise multiple species of livestock including cattle, hogs, sheep, and rabbits.  They are also cultivating a small orchard and garden as well.  Their goal is produce the healthiest meat in Middle Georgia.

Step 1:  Contact the farm (see above)

Step 2:  Choose which quantity of meat you prefer 8 lbs for 60 dollars or 16 lbs for 115 dollars.

For more information on how CSAs work click below

Not local?  To find a CSA in your area click below
Type in your zipcode or city to find a local CSA

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Team Work!

Food preparation and eating healthy can be challenging.  It can be especially challenging if your children do not want to eat foods from your new lifestyle.  

I know you are wanting to change your life and get healthy but the way to ensure your continued success is to include the entire family.  They don't have to eat all the things you do or work out to the degree that you are, but you do want to include the children so that they won't have to struggle with healthy living when they are adults.  

Prepping Collard Greens
Also if they help, then it makes healthy living so much easier. Sometimes I pay my children to help with the preparation and the cooking.  Sometimes they enjoy it and welcome the challenge, other times they bark and hate it.  (I don't always pay them but the extra cash can work as an incentive, other times it becomes apart of their regular non paid chores.) Trying to find a balance works best.  I look at it two-fold.  Its easier if all hands are on deck with everyone helping out and it also teaches them healthy living for their own personal lives.

Prepping Collard Greens

This doesn't mean they won't or can't eat their* foods but everyone participating occasionally works best for the entire family.

*Their, meaning some unhealthy foods that kids tend to lean toward.  Most kids are bombarded with unhealthy choices on a regular basis, so for some of us, it may be extremely difficult to ban these items completely.  We limit these foods and explain to our children about the nutritional information (or lack thereof) of these foods so that they can make informed decisions.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Goals: How to Achieve Your Goals

Recently Tamara Sanders became a Half Fanatic (someone who finishes 2 half marathons within a certain amount of time).  (Shout out to Sophia and Trisha as well as many others on accomplishing this goal and Jackie for finishing the Albany Marathon.)

Tamara had a goal in mind.  She wanted to become a Half Fanatic.  Just like with any goal she had to: 

1.  Determine The Goal
Tamara decided she wanted to become a Half Fanatic.  She had many reasons for setting her sights on this of the reasons was getting her own race number.  When you participate in races having your own number is nice.  Also, knowing that you accomplished walking/running 13.1 miles says a lot about your health and fitness level.  When you make a goal, it generally is something you feel very passionate about.  If you are not passionate then continuing on to the next steps becomes very difficult.

2.  Create/Devise A Plan On How to Accomplish The Goal
When Tamara decided to do this she had to devise a plan.  She had to condition her body so that she could master walking/running 13.1 miles in under 4 hours.  She had to train.  She had to determine how much time she would set aside to do this training.  She also had to determine how many miles she needed to walk/run weekly in order to be able to be successful.  Lastly, she had to determine when she had to begin this training.

3.  Implement or Work the Plan
With all these plans laid out she had to get moving.  If she didn't, she would not have been able to participate.  If you have never walked a mile prior to race day and show up and think you will be able to walk or run a marathon you are mistaken.  You must work your plan.  If you don't you will never get to the next step.

4.  Achieve the Goal or Revise (usually repeating Steps 1-4 if necessary) 
When its time to do the marathon you may find that you need more training.  You may have to sign up for a future race instead.  You may find out that you are not as passionate about your goal. Because of the time you put into trying to achieve your goal you may find that you are interested in other things and this experience may help you learn of other goals you would rather achieve. Whatever the case you will be better for it if you do the work.

You may have a goal of wanting to loose weight, eating healthier, going back to school, or etc.  So if you have goals that you want to achieve follow the steps above to get there.  

Of course if you are interested in achieving a healthier lifestyle the authors of Real Food Is Real Good are here to help you!

Note:  Tamara followed a mostly vegan diet in preparation of these races.  She also dehydrated very well prior to the races as well.

What's your goal(s)?

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

Watch the video below to see Tamara running toward the finishing line.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Family Wellness Day and Farm Tour event by Keys to Life Wellness

This was a great event! We heard great testimonies of healing through food, learned how to make healthy living simple, had a farm tour, had a healthy lunch, learned how to make personal and health care items.

Jennifer Richard with Kantai Kitchen (teaches Homesteading Classes and catering for the Paleo Diet, GAPS, and other special needs diets) taught us how to make homemade salve and toothpaste.  She also gave us alot of product information to go along with her do-it-yourself tips.  It was great to hear from Melody Joy (Health and Wellness Coach with Keys to Wellness) she gave us some great information about health.  She also shared her family's food healing story.  Mrs. Naomi Davis (owner of Davis Farms) gave us a farm tour and also shared her healing story.  She even shared about her recent visit with President Obama. She was selected to tell about her positive experience with Obamacare.  While visiting the President she was also able to share with him the importance of farms like hers and its ability to be able to help the community.