Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Goals: How to Achieve Your Goals

Recently Tamara Sanders became a Half Fanatic (someone who finishes 2 half marathons within a certain amount of time).  (Shout out to Sophia and Trisha as well as many others on accomplishing this goal and Jackie for finishing the Albany Marathon.)

Tamara had a goal in mind.  She wanted to become a Half Fanatic.  Just like with any goal she had to: 

1.  Determine The Goal
Tamara decided she wanted to become a Half Fanatic.  She had many reasons for setting her sights on this of the reasons was getting her own race number.  When you participate in races having your own number is nice.  Also, knowing that you accomplished walking/running 13.1 miles says a lot about your health and fitness level.  When you make a goal, it generally is something you feel very passionate about.  If you are not passionate then continuing on to the next steps becomes very difficult.

2.  Create/Devise A Plan On How to Accomplish The Goal
When Tamara decided to do this she had to devise a plan.  She had to condition her body so that she could master walking/running 13.1 miles in under 4 hours.  She had to train.  She had to determine how much time she would set aside to do this training.  She also had to determine how many miles she needed to walk/run weekly in order to be able to be successful.  Lastly, she had to determine when she had to begin this training.

3.  Implement or Work the Plan
With all these plans laid out she had to get moving.  If she didn't, she would not have been able to participate.  If you have never walked a mile prior to race day and show up and think you will be able to walk or run a marathon you are mistaken.  You must work your plan.  If you don't you will never get to the next step.

4.  Achieve the Goal or Revise (usually repeating Steps 1-4 if necessary) 
When its time to do the marathon you may find that you need more training.  You may have to sign up for a future race instead.  You may find out that you are not as passionate about your goal. Because of the time you put into trying to achieve your goal you may find that you are interested in other things and this experience may help you learn of other goals you would rather achieve. Whatever the case you will be better for it if you do the work.

You may have a goal of wanting to loose weight, eating healthier, going back to school, or etc.  So if you have goals that you want to achieve follow the steps above to get there.  

Of course if you are interested in achieving a healthier lifestyle the authors of Real Food Is Real Good are here to help you!

Note:  Tamara followed a mostly vegan diet in preparation of these races.  She also dehydrated very well prior to the races as well.

What's your goal(s)?

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.  2 Timothy 4:7

Watch the video below to see Tamara running toward the finishing line.

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